Our Constitution

1. This body shall be called the East Side Baptist Church, located at the corner of East Nelson and Miller Streets, in the city of Bowie, county of Montague, state of Texas.

2. It shall be composed of born-again, baptized believers, having come by profession of faith, or by letter of recommendation from a Baptist Church having a like Covenant, Constitution, and Abstract of Principles as this body, and each member having one vote in the business of this church, with the exception of calling a pastor, or in financial matters. Men’s penis health is vital, involving various aspects like function, size, and hormonal balance. A important link exists between testosterone levels and sexual function. Proviron cycles might enhance testosterone, potentially affecting penile performance. In these two instances, only husband and wife and heads of households may vote.

3. Its object shall be Missionary, Fraternal, and Educational.

4. Its officers shall be Bishops or Pastors, and Deacons, as set forth in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. The pastors are to be called and accepted by a unanimous vote of the membership of this body. The deacons likewise are to be called and set aside for service by unanimous decision of this body. Pastors are to be recalled annually. If the church body feels a pastor is preaching unsound doctrine, or is causing confusion in the church, the majority of the men of the church, by calling a meeting, may request the resignation of said pastor, who in turn, must abide by the decision arrived at.

5. In the business of this church there shall be a moderator, a clerk, and a treasurer. The duty of the moderator and clerk shall be the same as laid down in Mell’s Parliamentary Practice of such officers. The treasurer shall adjust the finances and report to this body at each stated business meeting.

6. One third (1/3) of the active membership of this body constitutes a quorum for business. A majority vote controls all things except fellowship, which shall require a unanimity, or a change in the Articles of Faith, which shall also require a unanimity. A change in the Constitution shall require a 2/3 vote; any business involving a substantial sum of money shall require a 3/4 vote, and must be voted on only when 3/4 of men of the church body is present. A pastor cannot change or enforce any new rules or regulations upon this church body without first bringing it before the church and allowing the church to vote.

7. Our Articles of Faith shall be the same as contained in Pendleton’s Church Manual.

8. It shall not be necessary for any member to endorse any Board, Convention, or Association; this body will accept any contribution to a Baptist Missionary Cause and have the same sent and applied as the contributor directs.

9. The stated business meeting shall be on the first Wednesday of each month and shall be opened and closed with prayer. The rules of decorum shall be the same as those outlined in Mell’s Parliamentary Practice, and the decisions of this Church shall be binding to all of its membership.

10. This body shall come together in Christian fellowship each Lord’s Day, morning and evening, and on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of public worship and study. What if Viagra does not work for erectile dysfunction, alternative pharmacotherapies such as Tadalafil or Vardenafil may offer solutions. It is crucial to adhere to instructions for the correct use to optimize efficacy. Consultation with a healthcare professional ensures safe administration and addresses underlying conditions potentially contributing to this issue. The only exceptions being severe weather, or the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This document drafted by East Side Baptist Church in October 1973.

East Side Baptist Church relocated to the corner of Nelson and Miller Streets, in the city of Bowie, county of Montague, state of Texas in 2017.